FAQ' - Real Estate Management

Mass Account Assignment approval in FX RE -Mass release of RE Object 

Using TCODE: RE80

Display in the navigation area the list of objects you want to delete/activate/release etc. And then select them; you can select them with Shift+ down arrow, or first line, shoft, last line, etc.

Once you have selected the objects you want to process, right click and select the function you want.


Different conditions can be processed separately

In my REFX contract, I have multiple conditions attached to the sales rule.

For example: Condition for sales based rent, Condition for fixed amount etc.

Please suggest whether each of these conditions can be processed separately while generating invoice.

Yes, Each condition can be processed separately. But in Invoice we can see all the conditions, which are there in the said contract. More over we can select the conditions based on the tenure also. Suppose electricity for quarterly, basic rent for monthly.


Field status as mandatory while creation of RE-FX Lease Out Contract

This can be achieved by Implement Enhancements (BAdI) in SPRO in REFX contracts section.

RECACUST > Contract > Dialog > Screen Layout > Field Groups > Field Status per Contract Type


Rental Unit: Posting Parameters   - where field "Order" is stored

In the rental unit posting parameters tab, I'm having trouble finding the system table where field "Order" is stored when the rental unit is saved.

Can somebody help me please?

You can find the info that you are looking in table VITMPY (Term: Posting Rule).

Land Acquisition and Management

What are all the processes will carry out in the Land Acquisition?

Land acquisition may involve purchase of land (Logistics, Financials), keeping track of land related costs (Project Systems, Controlling). When it is already an Asset, it can be an object in Real Estate subject to the many management processes.

RE Settlement Rule Table  

We maintain settlement rule in Property - CO Settlement Rule. We require uploading settlement rule by creating a program. Can anyone tell me what is the table for RE settlement rule store?

Get the Object number from VIBDPR Table.

Go to COBRB Table and give above object number in Object number field.

Basically you will be getting CO Settlement rule from COBRB Table

We are using SAP 4.7. I cannot find table VIBDPR as you mentioned. Is it any other table store the object number?

Then it is VIOB02 for 4.7 Version for property and COBRB for CO Settlement Rule.

Change object" is not allowed "   - RE

For Multiple Release of Contract, transaction RECN, while going in change mode I am getting the error for "RE: Change object" is not allowed ". Please suggest.

Check the object whether its already in REL status

How to check activated Lease Out?

How to check date or when the Lease Out is activated?

Example: when or what date is the Lease Out has been activated via FOG9 (RE classic).

You can check the change documents of the contract when the field "Active from" had been changed.

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