You can use account determination values with condition types to post to alternative G/L accounts (like inter-group, prepayment). Only one account determination can be used with a condition at any one time.
Condition types are linked to multiple G/L accounts in configuration via account determinations. When conditions are posted with a specific account determination, the system automatically determines the G/L account to be posted to for that account determination. Other than account determinations, the user cannot influence G/L accounts that are used by the system.
-- They are global. An account determination used with a particular condition type will post to the same G/L account irrespective of the company code of the associated contract.
-- Each condition type is configured with specific account determination values i.e. not all account determination values are configured to all condition types. For example, sales-based rent conditions are not configured with inter-group account determinations because we do not expect sales-based rental agreements between inter-group companies.
Account determination values are classified as follows:
-- Non-Accrual account determination values: These are used purely to post to alternative G/L accounts for non-accrual postings e.g. inter-group