Defined User Status details are stored in the Table: ENT5854. You can
see the number of status details for one status profile. These details
may differ from client to client. Also differs from one status profile
to another. Against each status(ENT5854-TXT04) you can see the
technical status(ENT5854-ESTAT) details. Here the technical status
(ENT5854-ESTAT) is the main reference to check details further.

In the Table: VICN01, for every RE-Contract (VICN01- RECNNR) you can
see the Object number (VICN01- RECNOBJNR).

Now, use the same object number in the Table: JEST in the Object
number (JEST- OBJNR) field and execute for the entries. Now you can
see multiple entries in the output. For one object number you can see
multiple entries.

To get the latest status relating to the object (JEST-OBJNR), check
the particular entry, which is with 'active' status (JEST-INACT) and
with the latest 'change number' (JEST-CHGNR).

This status check procedure is same even in case of Rental Object,
Internal Order, WBS Element, etc.,

Always user status starts with 'E0001'and system status starts with
'I0001'. Logic to check the status is also same i.e., active status
having the latest change number.

SAP REFX Consultant : Key Responsibilities

 - Provide consulting on real estate process design and implement SAP-RE FX  
 - Manage the data interfacing with SAP-PM, SAP-FI and SAP-PS 
 - Interlock with CAD
 - Process design and system implementation for real estate
 - Maintain skills in SAP-RE application process design and configuration,
application design, development, integration, testing and deployment and SAP
 - application technical architecture.
 - Provide guidance and consulting for Real Estate area 
 - Knowledge transfer to local employee is required
 - Provide local training for SAP-RE FX to project members
 - Plan and manage Application Assessment and Requirements activities
 - Create complex conceptual designs, including application interfaces and interactions
 - Identify and monitor interdependencies between various application implementation activities

Rent Adjustment - Adjustment of Conditions

To change/adjust the amounts of condition items automatically on real estate contracts, pooled spaces, rental spaces, and rental units. 
With this process you can automatically adjust selected conditions for:
 - Real estate contracts
 - Occupied rental objects (depending on the contract)
 - Vacant rental objects
Rent adjustment methods
 - Free adjustment (residential/commercial)
 - Index adjustment (adjustment based on index levels)
 - Adjustment based on representative list of rents (apartment)
 - Adjustment based on comparative apartment (apartment)
 - Service charge settlement (adjustment of advance payments and flat rates)
An adjustment run consists of the following steps:
1.      Specify adjustments - The system generates a list of possible adjustments.
2.      Edit adjustments - The system allows users to make changes to the automatically calculated adjustments.
3.      Correspondence for approval - Correspondence activity: Obtain tenant approval
4.      Approve or reject - Correspondence activity: Send approval (vendor contract)
5.      Activate the adjustment - The system makes the adjustment.
6.      Correspondence for adjustment - Correspondence activity: Dun approval


Using the FM: BAPI_RE_CN_GET_DETAIL ; you can find the profit center number based on the combination of company code & contract number. To get the result follow as below :
1. Goto TCODE: SE37
2. Give the FM mentioned above and execute (F8) the same
3. After executin you can see the screen with Company Code and Contract Number. Enter the details and Execute (F8)
4. After exeuction you will get the details in different tables. In Table:TERM_ORG_ASSIGNMENT you can get the Profit center details.

RE-FX : Views used in RE-FX Module

Below are the view tables, which gives the data from different tables into one table based on the unique available key. This makes easier for getting the data, instead of feeding seperately. It will be more helpful during data validation or for custom report preperation in Real Estate - Flexible area.

V_VIRADOCCFCN    - View of RE Document with Contract and Cash Flow Data

==>         VIRADOC - RE Document Header
==>         VIRADOCITEM - RE Document Item
==>         VICDCFPAY - Payment-Related Cash Flow
==>         VICN01 - Real Estate Contract: Contract Data
V_BUILDING           Rental Object With Criteria From Superior Tables

==>         VIOB03 - Real estate building master
==>          VIOB01 - Business entities
V_CONDPURP_ATTR      RE: Attributes for Condition Purpose

==>         TIVCDCOPUINT - Conditions - Internal Purpose
==>         TIVCDCOPUEXT -  Conditions - External Purpose
V_REBDBENOO          Matchcode Business Entity for Order (Direct Allocation)

==>         VIOBOV - Assignment Table for Real Estate to Standard Objects
==>         VIOB01 - Business entities
==>         AUFK - Order master data
V_REBDBUNOO          Matchcode Building for Order (Direct Allocation)

==>         VIOBOV - Assignment Table for Real Estate to Standard Objects
==>         VIOB03 - Real estate building master
==>         AUFK - Order master data
V_REBDPRNOO          Matchcode Property for Order (Direct Allocation)

==>         VIOBOV - Assignment Table for Real Estate to Standard Objects
==>         VIOB02 - Property master data
==>         AUFK - Order master data
V_REBDRONOMS         Matchcode: REBDRONOMS (Rental Objects by Measurement)

==>         VIMI01 - Rental unit - Master data
==>         VIBDMEAS - Measurement
==>         TIVBDMEAST - Measurement Types - Texts
V_REBDRONRB          View for Matchcode ID REBDRONRB (Rental Objects)

==>         VIMI01 - Rental unit - Master data
==>         VIOB03 - Real estate building master
V_REBDRONRC          Generated View for Matchcode ID MCME      -C

==>         VIMI01 - Rental unit - Master data
==>         VIOB02 - Property master data
V_REBDRONRD          Generated View for Matchcode ID MCME      -D

==>         VIMI01 - Rental unit - Master data
==>         VIOB01 - Business entities
V_REBDRONROR         Matchcode Rental Objects for Order (Direct Assignment)

==>         VIOBOV - Assignment Table for Real Estate to Standard Objects
==>         VIMI01 - Rental unit - Master data
==>         AUFK - Order master data
V_REBDRONTP          Matchcode Rental Objects for Functional Location

==>         VIBDPMFL - Link from RE Object to Functional Location
==>         IFLOT - Functional Location (Table)
==>         VIMI01 - Rental unit - Master data
==>         IFLOTX - Functional Location: Short Texts
V_RECNCNB            View for Search Help RECNCNB

==>         VICN01 - Real Estate Contract: Contract Data
==>         JEST - Individual Object Status
V_RECNCND            View for RECNCND Search Help

==>         VICN01 - Real Estate Contract: Contract Data
==>         VIBPOBJREL - Business Partner-Object Relationship
==>         BUT020 - BP: Addresses
==>         ADRC - Addresses (Business Address Services)
==>         BUT000 - BP: General data I
==>         TBZ0T - BDT Object Parts: Texts
V_RECNCNE            View for RECNCNE Search Help

==>         VICN01 - Real Estate Contract: Contract Data
==>         VIOBOV - Assignment Table for Real Estate to Standard Objects
==>              VIMI01 - Rental unit - Master data
V_RECNCNF            View for RECNCNF Search Help

==>         VICN01 - Real Estate Contract: Contract Data
==>         VIOBOV - Assignment Table for Real Estate to Standard Objects
==>              VIOB01 - Business entities
V_RECNCNG            View for RECNCNG Search Help

==>         VICN01 - Real Estate Contract: Contract Data
==>         VIOBOV - Assignment Table for Real Estate to Standard Objects
==>         VIOB02 - Property master data
V_RECNCNH            View for RECNCNH Search Help

==>         VICN01 - Real Estate Contract: Contract Data
==>         VIOBOV - Assignment Table for Real Estate to Standard Objects
==>         VIOB03 - Real estate building master
V_RECNCNI            View for RECNCNI Search Help

==>         VICN01 - Real Estate Contract: Contract Data
==>         VICARSDATE - List of Dates from Resubmission Rule
V_RECNCNK            View for Search Help RECNCNK

==>         VICN01 - Real Estate Contract: Contract Data
==>         VIAJTERM - Contract/Rental Object: Adjustment Term
V_RECNCNP            View for RECNCNP Search Help

==>         VICN01 - Real Estate Contract: Contract Data
==>         VIBPOBJREL - Business Partner-Object Relationship
==>         BUT000 - BP: General data I
V_RENTAL_OBJSP       Rental Object With Criteria From Superior Tables

==>         VIMI01 - Rental unit - Master data
==>         VIOB01 - Business entities
V_RESCPGB            Participation Groups Using Rental Object

==>         VIMI01 - Rental unit - Master data
==>         VIBDOBJREL - Object Relationship A/U Object <-==> A/U Object
==>         VISCPG - Participation Group
V_RESCPGC            Participation Groups via Use in Settlement Units

==>         VIAK03 - Settlement Unit Master Record
==>         VIBDOBJREL - Object Relationship A/U Object <-==> A/U Object
==>         VISCPG - Participation Group

SAP REFX: Real Estate Sets

Definition: Grouping of different real estate objects with the same object type into sets, so that you can keep reusing a selection you entered once. One use for real estate sets is for CO assessment on real estate objects



You can assign existing sets to another set to create a hierarchy.

You can also generate real estate sets automatically using reports.

Reports are available for automatically creating and updating sets for the following objects:

      -   Usage objects
      -   Contracts
      -   Settlement units

You can schedule these reports to update your real estate sets in the background. In this way you can ensure, for example, that the real estate set for all rental objects in a business entity contains all new rental objects that are created for the business entity. 

You can also use these reports to have the system automatically generate different real estate sets based on a grouping criterion. The grouping criterion replaces a placeholder in the set name, so that you can select real estate sets using the grouping.

You can create real estate sets for the following object types:

      -   Business entity
      -   Building
      -   Property
      -   Rental object
      -   Real estate contract
      -   Settlement unit

How to use the Table: SETLEAF for getting the set values.

Values shown in this table are with the technical name. In case of business entity, it shows the RE Code of the INTRENO, this is equal to the respective table (BE / PR / BU) VIOB01-INTRENO. Get the Business entity details in the VIOB01-SWENR

Table    Description

VIOB01 Business entities - BE
VIOB02 Property master data - PR
VIOB03 Real estate building master - BU
VIOB04 Buildings: Fixtures and fittings character

SAP REFX: Account determination values

You can use account determination values with condition types to post to alternative G/L accounts (like inter-group, prepayment). Only one account determination can be used with a condition at any one time.

How posting works with account determinations

Condition types are linked to multiple G/L accounts in configuration via account determinations. When conditions are posted with a specific account determination, the system automatically determines the G/L account to be posted to for that account determination. Other than account determinations, the user cannot influence G/L accounts that are used by the system.
Key features of account determination values

 -- They are global. An account determination used with a particular condition type will post to the same G/L account irrespective of the company code of the associated contract.
 -- Each condition type is configured with specific account determination values i.e. not all account determination values are configured to all condition types. For example, sales-based rent conditions are not configured with inter-group account determinations because we do not expect sales-based rental agreements between inter-group companies.
Categories of account determination values

Account determination values are classified as follows:
 -- Accrual account determination values: These are used for accrual accounting purposes. These are further sub-divided into long-term and short-term accrual account determinations.
 -- Non-Accrual account determination values: These are used purely to post to alternative G/L accounts for non-accrual postings e.g. inter-group

SAP: Integration between the Real Estate - FX and FI Financial Accounting GL

We will see how the GL account is defined in the RE periodic postings & also given the relevant IMG path :
In every RE Contract, we define the condition type based on the requirement. Condition type is the main link for selecting the GL account.

  1. From the RE Contract, based on the contract type you will be given with some condition types (not all) for using it in contract. This is based on the  condition types which are grouped in Condition group (Path:1) and each contract type is assigned with one condition group (Path:2).
  2. From condition type, flow type will be derived (Path:3).
  3. Account symbols assigned (both in Dr & Cr side) for each flow type for each Account determination (Path:4).
  4. Each Account symbols will be assigned with one GL account for the given Chart of accounts (Path:5).

Path:1  IMG> Flexible Real Estate Management (Enterprise Extension) > Conditions and Flows > Condition Types and Condition Groups > Condition Groups > Define condition groups and assign condition types

Path:2  IMG> Flexible Real Estate Management (Enterprise Extension) > Conditions and Flows > Condition Types and Condition Groups > Condition Groups > Assign Condition Group to Contract per Contract Type

Path:3  IMG> Flexible Real Estate Management (Enterprise Extension) > Conditions and Flows > Condition Types

Path:4  IMG> Flexible Real Estate Management (Enterprise Extension) > Accounting > Automatically Generated Accounting Documents > Account Determination > Assign Account Symbol to Flow Type

Path:5  IMG> Flexible Real Estate Management (Enterprise Extension) > Accounting > Integration FI-GL, FI-AR, FI-AP > Account Determination > Replace Account Symbols

SAP RE: Business Partner Relationship

A business partner relationship represents the business connection between two business partners.

In order to create a relationship between two business partners you have to assign a business partner relationship category to the business partner relationship.

You can assign attributes to a relationship, which prevents data being stored redundantly.

You can limit a relationship in time by entering the start date and end date of the relationship. This means that it is possible to get an overview of the periods in which certain business partners were contact persons for a company, for example.


You are an employee in the sales department of the company Smith p.l.c. You have made contact with Ms. Lopez at Hansen p.l.c. You would like to send her information about your existing products. You create the following business partner master data:

==> A master data record for a business partner with the name “Hansen p.l.c.” with the BP role Prospect, for which you define the required validity data. You create the central data and the address.

==> A master record for a business partner with the name “Ms. Lopez“ with the BP role Contact Person, as well the role’s validity. You create the central data, the address and the relationship “is contact person of” at Hansen p.l.c.

Three months later, Hansen p.l.c. places an order. The invoice should be sent to the parent company, Hansen and Sons, to be settled. You create the following new business partner master data:

==> You create the role Prospect and assign Hansen p.l.c. the role Sold-To Party. This role is valid from the day of the order. You create sales and shipping data for a specific sales area.

==> A master record for a business partner with the name “Hansen and Sons” with the BP roles Bill-To-Party and Payer. You create the central data, the address, the bank details and the billing data.


Financial Accounting (FI) enables you to create all required financial statements

Controlling (CO) provides a planning and control instrument for all quantity and values flows in Real Estate Management. Controlling also supports general cost accounting procedures from absorption costing to activity-based costing.

Profit Center Accounting (EC-PCA) provides tools for internal control functions and profitability analysis using profit centers.

Asset Accounting (FI-AA) allows you to manage the valuation of fixed assets for accounting purposes.

Plant Maintenance (PM) and Customer Service (CS) help you plan and implement scheduled and non-scheduled maintenance work, reconstruction, or new development in the real estate area

Materials Management (MM) facilitates purchase order processing of materials as part of planned repair tasks related to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, as well as general building maintenance.

Project System (PS) assists you with planning complex maintenance and investment projects, while taking constant risk factors into account.

Document Management SAP Records Management (BC-SRV-RM), Document Management (CA-DMS), and optical archiving (BC-SRV-ARL) give you an overview of all documents and correspondence associated with business processes


Processing Contract Offers and Real Estate Contracts

You can create contract offers from an RE search request or an offered object and use them to create real estate contracts. You create a contract offer to make a binding offer to a prospect concerning conditions for a rental object. You can create this contract offer first and convert it into a real estate contract later. If you enter all data relevant for a contract in the contract offer, then the system adopts this data later in the real estate contract when you create it

Creating a Contract Offer

Using a contract offer, you can make an offer to a prospect relating to a rental object. The contract offer already contains the conditions that are intended for the real estate contract. The prospect can accept or reject the offer. If the contract offer is accepted, you can convert it into a contract

Real Estate Search

Using this component, you can search for vacant rental objects and find suitable prospects for rental objects, or vice versa

Periodic Postings

Periodic postings means processing the transaction with respect to  contracts and

This can be of following types.

=>  Periodic posting  of contracts

=>  Vacancy for Rental Objects

=>  Reversal of Periodic Posting for Contracts

=>  Reversal of Periodic Posting for Vacancy

Accrual/Deferral Postings

=> Accrual/Deferral: Contracts

=> Display Accrual/Deferral Results

=> Reversal of Accrual/Deferral Postings


Architecture of SAP Real Estate Management

SAP Real Estate Management is part of Corporate Services of SAP ERP. SAP currently offers two versions of SAP Real Estate Management. The older version "Classic Real Estate" is referred to as "old solution", and the new version "Flexible Real Estate" is referred to as "new solution".
Classic Real Estate is available in Release SAP R/3 and SAP ECC up to and including SAP ERP 6.0.
Flexible Real Estate is available for the first time as of SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.70 (Extension Set 2.0).
Classic Real Estate Management is no longer released for initial implementation (see note 443311) and SAP will not enhance this version. As of SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.70 (Extension Set 2.0), SAP offers Flexible Real Estate, which is a new Real Estate Management tool with enhanced and more flexible functions.
The sizing guideline covers the issues of Flexible Real Estate Management. SAP Real Estate Management is integrated with the financials and logistics functions of SAP ERP.

The SAP ERP components that come into play include:
=> SAP Real Estate Management
=> SAP ERP Financials (General Ledger Accounting, Accounts receivable, Accounts payable, Asset accounting, Controlling)
=> SAP ERP Operations (Program and Project Management, Enterprise Asset Management,Procurement)

These components refer to the SAP components FI/CO, FI-AA, PS-CD, PM, PS, MM.
The following graphic provides you an overview of the architecture of SAP Real Estate Management.
For further information read the following important Notes: 443311, 517673 and 771098.

SAP REFX: Mass Deletion of Rental Objects

We can delete rental objects in RE80 by selecting them either using Shift or control key to select them and using the delete option, Provided contracts are not created on them. If in case contracts are created on those objects, need to terminate the contracts and delete them as above.
You can see two text boxes in the left pane of RE80 Transcation, In the first box enter "My Objects" Second text box enter "User ID of the Creator". Then system shows list of all rental objects, from which you can select and delete as explained above. These two boxes are visible only if you are using latest GUI.

Note: In the customization of RE-FX. SPRO-> Tools->Archiving->Deletion of Real estate objects without Archiving check box should be flagged to delete objects

SAP REFX: Change of Business Partner in case of already activated Contract

Note 926520 - Consulting note: Contract partner change explains very clearly about the affects and necessary things to do in this kind of scenario.
Changing the main contractual partner
Changing another partner (vendor or customer)
Affects on the Cash Flow in case of change of business partner
Partner change with legal succession in an already posted period
Backdated partner change due to incorrect contract partner assignment
Backdated partner change for one-time conditions
Subsequent change of the due date

SAP RE-FX Tables Plan Data

TCODE: RECOPLCST02 used for entering the plan data for Contract, Building and Business Entity level in RE-FX module.

Which tables are filled with the plan data related to RE objects?
There are no special tables available for the plan data related to RE Objects. You can get the plan data in the TABLE: COSS
For Business entities the Object number starts with the "IW".


First two letters 'IW'

Next four letters 'XXXX' is your company code

Next balance '99999999' is your business entity

SAP REFX: Link between the Asset Master and RE-FX

Asset assignment is only informational and is available for evaluations in RE reporting.

Assets can be assigned to business entities, buildings, properties and rental objects.

When you create an asset from the RE master data dialog, the following data is automatically transferred:

1. Company code
2. Text for Real Estate object

You can transfer additional data using a dialog box or by directly going to the master data dialog.

In Asset Accounting, Real Estate objects can be used as account assignment objects for depreciation. To do this, enter the corresponding Real Estate object under the time-dependent data in the asset master record. This field is not automatically filled when the asset is created from the RE master data maintenance.

If you want to use the Real Estate object as a depreciation account assignment, proceed as follows:

Release the Real Estate object from the RE master data dialog for account assignment and choose Save.

Manually maintain the Real Estate account assignment in the time-dependent data of the asset master record. Various input helps (F4) are available for the assignment, including one that analyzes the assignments for Real Estate objects. Note that only the values of Real Estate objects released for assignment are returned.

The use of the Real Estate object as an account assignment for depreciation is only possible if the corresponding settings are made in Customizing of Asset Accounting:

--> Master Data screen layout: Under "time-dependent data"

--> Integration with the general ledger :

 1. Field status variant of asset G/L accounts
 2. Additional account assignment objects
     ---- Activate account assignment objects: IMKEY active
     ---- Define account assignment types for account assignment objects and make the relevant settings for IMKEY.
     ---- Business entities, buildings, properties and rental objects are possible as account assignment objects.

SAP REFX: Rounding off Condition type value

How to get the value of the condition type and service tax conditions to be rounded off without any decimals?
This can be achieved with the available configuration. details are as below :
Path : IMG > Flexible Real Estate Management (Enterprise Extension) > Conditions and Flows > Calculation and Distribution Formulas > Calculation Formulas
While define the formulas, you can select the "Rounding Category" in the "Unit Price" Section of the screen.
Help Note:

Rounding Category of Unit Price or Condition Amount

Defines how the unit price or condition amount is rounded.

1. No rounding

    The unit price or condition amount is not rounded.

2. Currency rounding

    The unit price or condition amount is rounded according to the definition of the condition currency.

3. Round down

    The unit price or condition amount is rounded down. For this option, you also have to enter the number of decimal places or the rounding unit.

4. Round up

    The unit price or condition amount is rounded up. For this option, you also have to enter the number of decimal places or the rounding unit.

5. 5/4 rounding

    The unit price or condition amount is rounded up if the decimal place used for rounding is 5 or more, and down if it is 4 or less. For this option, you also have to enter the number of decimal places or the rounding unit.

How to activate SAP REFX - Flexible Real Estate Management

SAP currently offers two versions of SAP Real Estate Management. The older version "Classic Real Estate" is referred to as "old solution", and the new version "Flexible Real Estate" is referred to as the "new solution".

Classic Real Estate is available in Releases SAP R/3 and SAP ECC up to SAP ERP 6.0. Flexible Real Estate is available as of R/3 Enterprise Financials Extension Set 2.00.
To use the new solution, you first need to activate the Financials Extension Set (EA-FIN) for all clients and then activate the Real Estate Extension for each individual client.

Note that the old solution can then no longer be used. In order to be able to keep using the old solution in a certain client, do not activate the Real Estate Extension there.

Since each client must be activated, you cannot use Classic and Flexible Real Estate on the same client. Both solutions can only exist together if they are on separate clients.
Next steps after activating the REFX...can found in OSS Note: 443311
For new customers of SAP Real Estate Management, Classic Real Estate is no longer released for the first implementation as of the time of the general availability of SAP ERP 6.0 (as of 2006).

REFX: Possible Scenarios in Real Estate Management

Post total amount in Advance


Situation: I have a situation where user wants to create a real estate contract (RE-FX) for 15 months, and want to charge per month 10,000\-USD. Here the posting should happen for the whole amount 150000\- USD in Advance on the date of creation of contract. I can see frequency option in RECN transaction, where it is allowing me to enter monthly, daily or yearly but not only once in advance. How to post the total amount?


Solution: Try out the following input for frequency term:


Frequency 15 months

Amount Reference monthly amount payment form in advance. 


How do we restrict the Rental Object Measurement  


Situation: Problem with RE_FX Master data creation.


Situation: we have defined 100 sqm as a land. Further we have created 4 rental objects of 25Sqm under Land. Now the measurement is equal 


Land (100SQM) = 4 rental objects of 25SQM each.


Suppose If I am trying to create one more rental object with 30 SQM still it is accepting.


So how do we restrict the size of the Land?




Use the BAdI of the rental units.




Create a new implementation

Use method check_all


Read existing RO and compute the existing rental objects in this case 4 times 25sqm. If there comes the 5 RO or more than 100sqm sent hint / message error over the BAdI.


Delete master data (Building, BU and property) 


Situation: We have to delete master data of our QUA system (Building, BU and Property). Is there any way to delete data directly?


Solution: You can delete Master data. Please follow the steps:


1. Go to SPRO (for Flexible Real Estate)

2. Under Tools go to deletion of Real Estate object without archiving.

3. Select Object, which you want to delete

4. Go to TCODE: REBDBU and enter company, Business entity, Building number and DON'T PRESS ENTER

5. Go to menu bar " Building" and select delete


Same for Property, if you want to do mass delete, try BDC.



No Conditions were assigned for Contract 


Situation: In ECC6.0, while creating a Commercial Lease-In contract under condition tab when I select add new condition system displaying No conditions were assigned. And I did basic configuration settings to assign condition type for Commercial lease-In contract.


I defined condition type and defined condition purpose.


I defined condition groups and assigned condition type.


I assigned condition group to contract per contract type also.


Still I am unable to see conditions in conditions tab.



Solution: It's authorization restriction problem, so get authorization your problem will solve.


Authorization object: F_RECD_CN




Function Module for Dollar Amount  


Situation: We have a requirement where a REFX contract once created has to go through a series of approvals. How do I get the dollar amount on the contract so that it can be routed to the proper level for approval? Is there a function module for this?


Solution: For the condition (amount) on contract you can get using.





And if you doing currency conversion there are lot of FM.

FAQ' - Real Estate Management

Mass Account Assignment approval in FX RE -Mass release of RE Object 

Using TCODE: RE80

Display in the navigation area the list of objects you want to delete/activate/release etc. And then select them; you can select them with Shift+ down arrow, or first line, shoft, last line, etc.

Once you have selected the objects you want to process, right click and select the function you want.


Different conditions can be processed separately

In my REFX contract, I have multiple conditions attached to the sales rule.

For example: Condition for sales based rent, Condition for fixed amount etc.

Please suggest whether each of these conditions can be processed separately while generating invoice.

Yes, Each condition can be processed separately. But in Invoice we can see all the conditions, which are there in the said contract. More over we can select the conditions based on the tenure also. Suppose electricity for quarterly, basic rent for monthly.


Field status as mandatory while creation of RE-FX Lease Out Contract

This can be achieved by Implement Enhancements (BAdI) in SPRO in REFX contracts section.

RECACUST > Contract > Dialog > Screen Layout > Field Groups > Field Status per Contract Type


Rental Unit: Posting Parameters   - where field "Order" is stored

In the rental unit posting parameters tab, I'm having trouble finding the system table where field "Order" is stored when the rental unit is saved.

Can somebody help me please?

You can find the info that you are looking in table VITMPY (Term: Posting Rule).

Land Acquisition and Management

What are all the processes will carry out in the Land Acquisition?

Land acquisition may involve purchase of land (Logistics, Financials), keeping track of land related costs (Project Systems, Controlling). When it is already an Asset, it can be an object in Real Estate subject to the many management processes.

RE Settlement Rule Table  

We maintain settlement rule in Property - CO Settlement Rule. We require uploading settlement rule by creating a program. Can anyone tell me what is the table for RE settlement rule store?

Get the Object number from VIBDPR Table.

Go to COBRB Table and give above object number in Object number field.

Basically you will be getting CO Settlement rule from COBRB Table

We are using SAP 4.7. I cannot find table VIBDPR as you mentioned. Is it any other table store the object number?

Then it is VIOB02 for 4.7 Version for property and COBRB for CO Settlement Rule.

Change object" is not allowed "   - RE

For Multiple Release of Contract, transaction RECN, while going in change mode I am getting the error for "RE: Change object" is not allowed ". Please suggest.

Check the object whether its already in REL status

How to check activated Lease Out?

How to check date or when the Lease Out is activated?

Example: when or what date is the Lease Out has been activated via FOG9 (RE classic).

You can check the change documents of the contract when the field "Active from" had been changed.

Accounting, Posting, Entries & Account Determination in Real Estate-FX:


Accounting transactions in REFX can be one of these –

- - RE Developer paying rent as part of a Lease IN contract
- - RE Developer paying service charges as part of a Lease IN contract
- - RE Developer receiving periodic rent payments as part of a Lease OUT contract
- - RE Developer receiving service charges as part of a Lease OUT contract
- - RE Developer incurring internal charges if they themselves are occupying commrcl. space
- - Commercial space is vacant. This is cost to RE Developer and has to be accounted for.

Periodic Postings:

- - Periodic posting can be run for any contract type
- - Can be simulated or reversed
- - When run, creates open items which are cleared by I/G O/G cash flows
- - Posting run
     --looks at active contracts and the planned cash flow for each item
     --Determines account determination for each flow type
     --Makes a debit or credit posting in FI Cash flow marked as Posted
- - Condition purpose determines if this posting is actual or statistical. If statistical, no posting in cash flow

Journal Entries:

Commercial Lease OUT –

Credit the contract (revenue)
Debit customer (receivables)

Internal Lease OUT –

Credit the contract (revenue)
Debit Cost center (expense)

Commercial Lease IN –

Debit the contract (expense)
Credit vendor (payables)

Account determination:

- - Every contract has at least one condition
- - Each condition has a condition type
- - Each condition type has a flow type
- - Each flow type has a account schema
     --Account symbol configured in REFX
     --G/L account configured in FI

Addition of new field to RE80 Information system

We are trying to run the following sequence:

TCode : RE80 > Select Information System > Master Data > Select BE > Give search parameters > Execute.

Once done the report is flashed in the chosen layout. In the layout we are trying to add a field which will supply the Short Description of the ‘ward’ in which the BE lies. However we are not finding any such field which will populate this value. There is one filed which just supplies the ‘ward code’, but not the short description that has been mapped against the ward code.

My question is, will it be a possibility that this filed can also be added to the layout (or to any other layout)? I have alreay tried all the options possible under “Choose layout” and “Change layout” under Settings.

You can add additional fields to this report by using a BAdI.

BAdI : BADI_REIS_LIST provides a solution to extend RE-FX reporting with the fields you want to be displayed. (with a little bit program code)

You can find further information in the online documentation of the BAdI and use the example implementation as a template for your own implementation.


Online documentation link: Click here

Under BC – ABAP Workbench: Tools > New Concepts > Business Add-Ins

How to activate all migrated contracts in RE-FX

You can activate the contract while migrating only..

Activation can be done in mass (automatic) or individually (manual).

To Activate after migration use BAPI_RE_CN_CHANGE BAPI for mass Activations of contracts in the IMPORT TAB

Pass “MCAK” to TRANS field. “MCAK” is for activation.

and for doing manually for few records goto RECN Tcode under System status you can activate it or from Menu > Real Estate Contract > Activate.

You are not allowed to create RE-FX data before the migration and until after it is completed.

Difference between RE and Flexible RE

Flexible RE- This component fulfills the requirements of real estate management by providing a comprehensive view of all business transactions related to it.

1. Management of real estate-The dual view of master data (architectural view and usage view) lets you easily create and manage all types of real estate objects (business entity, land, building, rental unit, rental space, rental room).

2. Contract management-The real estate contract lets you manage all contracts related to your real estate portfolio:
o Real estate contracts of the lease-in category (such as, commercial, internal, residential)
o Real estate contracts of the lease-out category (such as, commercial, internal, residential)
o General customer contracts (such as, service contracts with the tenant)
o General vendor contracts (such as, maintenance contracts with a service provider)
o G/L account contracts (such as, for posting reserves for service charges)
o Security deposit agreements

3. You can assign any number of rental objects from different business entities, buildings or company codes to any one contract.

4. When defining conditions and other contract terms, you can group the assigned objects together into object groups.

5. Space management-Space and room management takes account of unusual architectural structures, usage considerations, as well as technical amenities and features. You can define spaces flexibly and rent them (extracting them from a larger available space). In addition, data exchange with external graphic systems allows you to visually represent your real estate objects.

6. Lease-in-The credit-side view of the lease-in process lets you control cash flows to the landlord and posting of expenses.

7. Control of business processes relevant to real estate

8. The following important processes in the management of real estate are integrated in the component:
o Asset management postings and reports
o Real estate controlling (cost planning/inter company activity assignment/cost settlement/profit center accounting)
o Planning and controlling of new building developments, maintenance and modernization projects
o Purchase order processing and commitments management for the operation and maintenance of real estate RE

RE - This component maps the requirements of Real Estate Management in a general overview of the relevant business transactions:

1. Management of real estate
2. Creating and managing all objects required for the management of real estate (business entity, property, building, rental unit, rooms).

3. Lease out Ongoing processes from creating the lease-out to the rent adjustment, rental accounting, rental settlement through to contract notice and the final rental unit inspection. Third-party management Supporting third-party management of real estate through to the settlement of fees or the costs and owner revenues.

4. Lease in Credit view of the rental process for controlling the cash flows to the landlord and incoming expenses.

5. Control of business processes relevant to real estate Integration of important processes in the management of real estate:
o Assets management postings and evaluations
o Real estate controlling (cost planning/inter-company activity assignment/cost settlement/profit center invoicing)
o Planning and controlling new developments, maintenance tasks, modernization tasks
o Purchase order processing and commitments management for the operation and maintenance of real estate

Real Estate Management : Concept : Prereq : Version : Home Builder Scenario

Real Estate Management module is more robust in managing Real Estate properties for activities and processes like leasing, property maintenance like managing repairs etc (when attached to Plant Maintenance module). You can also use it for Lease in’s. (Caution: please associate ‘renting’ wherever lease is mentioned, not to get confused with lease of machinery or financial lease etc.)

The main master data in RE are like Business Entity, Property, Buildings, Rental Units and Lease out. These are called RE-Objects and they are also controlling objects. For example let’s take Big Shopping Mall and you are the owner. The whole Mall will be a Business Entity. The land in there will be created as a Property and the building structure as Building. The several floors or the individual rentable portions will be created as Rental Units. When ‘Mc Donalds’ approaches you to rent one of the floors, you create a Lease out with reference to one of the Rental Unit.

The system automatically creates a schedule of periodic rentals called cash flow and it has the capabilities to debit the customer ‘Mc Donalds’ account with the rent due, etc.

You can also maintain information to land through Land Register.

Prerequisite for Using RE: You need to have FI and CO knowledge before you can use REM.

Version details : 4.5B onwards RE was introduced as a Industry specific module under FI. It became as a part of FI from 4.6B December 1999. The RE-FX came into effect from Enterprise version.

You can continue to use RE Classic even in later releases. But once you activate the RE-FX you can no longer user Classic. There is a switch to start using RE-FX.

RE for Construction : RE is good for post construction and the property is operative. You can use Project system for construction period and settle it to RE objects. By this way, you have the most apt module address the construction process. Subsequently RE module, which is good in capturing the master data of completed construction, can be used for management.

Home Builder:

It"s right for a new customer you should never use RE (classic). Please start with RE-FX.
There is no difference between the home builder solution and RE(-FX).

For construction usually the PS module is used. Create a WBS structure that is based on your construction requirements:

- Land
- Preparation of the land
- frame work
- installations
- architects and engineers

You can use a tree structure for details.

Which module is used in which phase:

(1) Acquire land –> PS
(2) construction –> PS
(3) construction is finished; sell the object –> SD
(4) construction is finished: rent the object –> RE-FX
(5) maintenance of the object –> PM

FI and CO is always required. MM can be used.
